Friday, August 12, 2011

Am i leaking amneotic fluid?

im 37 weeks pregnant on tuesday. I just emptied my bladder, sat down for a few minutes and sneezed, and fluid came out. It was clear and had no scent to it. As the lateness of the hour calling my doc isnt an option. Should I wait and see if it continues or just go to the hospital? Oh yea and my Braxton hicks, tummy tightness has become uncomfortable, not painful, but I have a high pain tolerance. And none of the women in my family have ever recalled feeling labor pain until it was time to push. The tummy tightness is sparadic but lasts up to 45 seconds. so yea, tummy tightness and possible leak. what do i do at midnight on a saturday evening?

Why does everybody say..?

Why does everybody - when asking a question about someone they know on here - always say "My friend, lets just call him H" or "lets call him bob"?? What's the point? As long as you don't say any last names then who is going to care? It's not like they will stalk you and find the boy you like. Seriously!? Why can't people just say "My friend, Timmy, went to...?" Could somebody answer this?

Why is this hurting so much?

one thing is you feel what you feel and can't change that and you have to just try to look somewhere else for some sort of happiness and I'm not sure if he was leading you on because alot of ppl smile n too look into your eyes because they are friendly. You can't do much but wait it out or move on

Name for an adorable little boy?

Okay this maybe stereotypical, but I love the name Joey for a little boy. It doesn't just have to be short for Joseph, it can be short for any name starting with Jo-

When is the best day of the week to visit Six Flags Magic Mountain this summer?

I am planning to go this upcoming Tuesday, but I want to make sure if there will be large crowds or if the park will be nearly empty. I'm sure with the opening of Green Lantern it may be crowded, but I'm hoping for less waits and more rides.

Did the Democrats pay their taxes this year?

Or are they still waiting for Obama to appoint them to the Cabinet, similar to TurboTax Timmy Geithner and Eric Holder?

Does this want to make you want to read more?

Honestly, no. It's not that your writing is bad, per say, only bland and uninteresting. I don't really see where the story is going and readers usually like it when you get to the point quickly. You've included a lot of unnecessary information and the beginning does not have a very gripping hook. With some improvement, I think, this would be a much more captivating read. Try to work more on the details and descriptions and use substitutes for some of the tedious words. Overall, I don't really have a feel for the story and I don't feel like there is enough of a picture painted in my mind's eye for me to feel like I'm actually apart of the story. This does have potential. Cheers.

My son has a lazy attitude!?

My son is 10 years old and questions everything, he doesn't listen and has a terribly lazy attitude, he is outside constantly playing football, he isn't lazy in that respect, he can't be bothered to try do his homework, can't be bothered to empty dishwasher, and even when playing for his footy team he doesn't try hard like he used to. I am worried about him as I don't think he can "think ahead" (consequences) and so punishing him by saying ur grounded if you do that etc he just does it, then complains about being grounded next day. If there is anyone who can help me please let me know. I am desperate, I know it is down to me but I need new tactics ect. Thanks all!

List of freshwater tropical fish?

I have an empty 10 gallon, 20 gallon, and 40 gallon tank. Could someone create a list of cool to look at but not to hard to find or expensive freshwater fish that could be in these tanks. And does anyone know some plants I could put in there too? Thanks

If I brush my hair after using Garnier Fructis Wonder Waves Shampoo&Conditioner, will it still bewavyy?

I bought the Garnier Fructis Wonder Waves Shampoo and Conditioner because I've always struggled getting my hair wavy. But when I get out of the shower and brush out the tangles, will it still dry wavy? Or will brushing it make it straight?

How long does your period last?

k im on birth control and i have to take it at the same time evry day but i kept forgetting couse i moved from oregon to oklahoma(different time zones) anyways i thought i started spotting but then realized i was on my period ive been on it for a whole week now and its pretty heavy still. im freaked out because ur not supposed to be on ur period wen u take b control untill the pack is empty. what should i do and if this has happened to any one plz tell me no and tell me wat u did.

How to handle hair while swimming?

Over the summer, I tend to go swimming a lot, but it's really hard to detangle my hair afterwards. I have thin, wavy hair. No matter what I do with my hair (hairstyle wise), it always gets very knotty and tangled. Are there any good detanglers and hairstyles that you can recommend that will minimize the tangles or help to get them out afterwards?

Do you think Twilight encourages depression?

I agree with you. Bella rejects all the ppl trying to be friends with her yet they still keep coming. In real life, no one would be your friend if you did that.

Saw a used condom in my daughter's room? What to do?

Yesterday our cleaner didn't come so I decided to empty the little bin in my daughters room and I spotted a used condom thrown in it. She's 16 years old, and her boyfriend is 17. They've both been together about 5-6 months now. What do you think I should do & how do you think I should approach her? I'm worried.

Wrote this, any good?

Ok, i have one thing to say and thats: WHY'DJA STOP?!?!? This is ah-mazin! You are truely talented! I want to read more this very second!!! Fantastic job :D

MEN ONLY PLEASE! Boyfriend stopped talking to me as much?

somethings dying in your realtionship. you need to fix that fast or you have 5 months before he dumps you. it happened to me

My hair is terrible!?

My hair is a pretty color but I can't control it. After a take a shower it gets all poofy and curly. I like the curlyness but not the poofyness. And before I take a shower theres no poofyness and no curlyness. It's so thick and tangles easily. What can I do to tame it?

What's this old movie called?

when i was around 7 years old i remember watching this movie where people went back (and maybe foward) in time and there were also flying meatball-like creatures in it. i dont remember their purpose but they were big creatures and they could eat through steel and stuff. when those people were traveling in time, the world was completely empty from people so they could go inside the stores and stuff and take whatever they wanted. oh, and i think the film also had something to do with airplanes

I feel unwanted and hurt?

So i like a kid named "Bobby" and Bobby has a best friend named "Timmy". So bobby knows i like him and i guess he told timmy. then timmy started telling me that bobby wanted to tell me something that was really good. he kept saying that he was gonna tell me soon. so i see him everyday in school and timmy keeps telling me to talk to bobby but i dont want to because bobby doesn't exactly like me. so timmy kept bugging me about bobby and how i should talk to him. then i asked why and he said "its a secret...only he can tell you" and so i asked bobby's other friend and he said that timmy was telling bobby to ask me out even though he doesn't like me just to bug bobby. and it hurt so much. because they both know how much i like "Bobby" and how much it would mean to me. and then the fact that i would be seen as a big joke hurts a lot. i just don't know what to do & i feel like crying...please help?

A fairly odd parents channel chasers question?

at the end of channel chasers they show a picture of timmy in a (i don't know if its a sad or one of those forgettful faces plz tell me) and they show two fish who aren't cosmo and wanda so did they take away timmys fairies when he was a kid what happend!?

I need help forgetting about my ex plz help.?

ok well my ex boyfriend and i recently broke up (he's choice) im deeply in-love with him,we were together for a year and 3 months,we had broken up for a month not so long ago but he asked me back out bcuz he found out i was talking to someone else,its very hard for me to get over him and not think about him when he's been the only man in my life that has taken me serious and been with me through my hard times since my dad past away,he's 22 and im 20,he has daughter with another girl and that would be one big problem when he had to see her bcuz im a jealous girl,he had asked me to move in with him but i said i wasn't ready due to the fact i really wanted to fix all the problems we had,we used to work together but he recently transferred to another restaurant(before we broke up),now im really hurt bcuz i was so used to him,now he doesn't answer my calls,my txt...i just want to know he's okay bcuz i still love him...i don't want to forget about him by talking to another guy,if i were to be with him again i would do things differently i would trust him more,he has been a huge part of my life and now it feels like my life has no meaning(pretty dumb i know)but that's hows i feel,i miss him so much,i don't want to bug him so i just want to get away and not think about him,but its impossible when all i do is think about him.he was and is a great guy and a father,i have annappointmentt to talk to asurginge in a week he asked me to not stop talking to him and keep him updated with that but idon'tt think i should bcuz hehasn'tt even bothered to txt or call me at all,so why should i bother him with that,we had so many plans for our future together and now there all gone i feel like to him they were all empty promises..plz help me and tell me what i could do..

POLL: isn't this the best license plate ever?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Found a deer tick on me while paintballing. It latched, then unlatched. What should i do?

Talk to your doctor to find out if they carry lyme's disease in your region, and what you should do, if the ticks are diseased in your area.

Caring for a blackbird fledgling?

If you manage to get the bird to eat you should be fine, but to be honest, and as hard hearted as it sounds, you should have left the bird where you found it. They are not rare, and natural selection removes birds that attempt to leave the nest too early for a reason.

I think my computer recently got hacked help!?

You may be contacted by the hackers to pay a ransom for your files but I wouldn't count on it. Definitely stop booting from the hard drive! I would get a copy of one of the Linux distros on live cd (Knoppix would work) and try to recover files that way. Foremost and magicrescue are the tools on the disc that will help you recover deleted files.

Hopeless.. Hurting.. I need some help..?

I have experienced this same situation with minor differences. My parents are divorced and I'm always home alone so it was hard to want to do anything. I also don't have a ton of friends and school was stressful with advanced courses and sports. The way I got over things was trying to feel good about myself again. I tried to get in better shape, do better in school, and be closer to the friends I had. Slowly, I stopped feeling as depressed. You said that you want to study art and music, start doing hobbies that you enjoy and relate to your future. I know, this probably sucks to hear, but you need to make your new future, without this person.


You overuse the word "ancient". Are you sure women are treated this well in 1728? Most societies then were patriarchal, with the women being little more than figureheads. Other than that, very well written!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

My bird actually bit his sore foot off today.?

My bird got his foot tangled in his bed and it was bent back and really swollen. We took him to the vet and she gave us antibiotics and some stuff to put on his foot that smelled really bad. She also had us put him in a small cage where he couldn't move around. After the first day of treatments he started biting at his foot, we thought it was because he wanted to be outside with the other bird so we put him in his own cage during the day and kept a eye on him then after day 3 of treatment he was still biting at his foot so we stop putting it on there thinkning it was about the smell of the treatment. now it has been a week and he has bite his whole foot off. It was all black and now its gone. I really don't have the money to keep taking him to the vet. I banaged it up so that he won't bit at it anymore. What should i do?

What do I tell my mom about my dad?

This is too big for you to deal with and help your parents, they really need some good grief counselling.

How long does it take for the emptying of bladder to get back to normal after a catheter is removed?

Hi this can take some time as the bladder muscles have relaxed and it may take a while if ever, since mime was removed some 50 years ago i can judge that after drinking something i will need to go to the toilet some 90 minutes later to empty my bladder on average.

How to make my hair silky?

Try Organix Coconut Milk shampoo. My mom bought the set once and it was a dream come true. My hair was so smooth and silky. You could use the shampoo and conditioner every day and your hair would be so beautiful. Too bad it's nine dollars for each bottle. :/

Although I have always groomed my cat about 2x a week, she suddenly has knots.?

She hates the groomer and becomes very stressed. I have tried different combs, tangling solutions, baby oil and even cutting them out.i haven't seen her chewing them or anything different in her habits, I'm just lost. I tried to gently bath her in the sink but she is pretty old and set in her ways. Plus I look like I was attacked by a cactus. Got any ideas?

Geithner: We Have To Raise Taxes On Small Businesses So The Government Doesn’t “Shrink”…?

It will just kill more jobs and destroy small businesses, yet that is their overall goal anyways. They will destroy the private sector and then everyone will be working for the government. Our taxes will go to pay wages- eventually they will run out of every ones money in their ponzi scheme. Greece all over again.

"I like dancing with my dog" song?

The version of DWMD we use is a custom version by our show media designer. I believe you found the original (uncle moondog). I just asked him for you (I'm the sound operator for the show).

Scan tomorrow to check if Sac is still empty or ive got a baby - Your thoughts?

i had a similar problem. they thought i was going to miscarry because all they saw was a sac and nothing else, but i was dated farther along then i was. turns out i was a little over a week behind what they said, so everything turned out fine for us. i hope you have the same luck as i did. dating pregnancy isnt an exact science since so many women conceive at different times. last menstrual period is just a basic, general dating usually. good luck at your scan, and hope you see something!

Where do the coronary viens empty into?

So, I believe that you are referring to the coronary sinus, which is an enlarged vein, or more specifically, a collection of veins that join to form a large vessel. It is located on the posterior surface of the heart and empties into the right atrium.

I Got My Hair Dyed Now It Feels Horrible? PLEASE HELP!?

If you got it bleached before colored then your hair is fried. Which means It's really damaged and will take a lot of treatment to get it healthy. Try to avoid applying any heat like a blow dryer or straightner it'll only make it worse. My hair got a little fried when I got my hair bleached but I wash it normally then when I get out of he shower I let it dry a little and add leave in conditioner before I brush it then let it air dry (I use that Garnier stuff) its still damaged but it's not all tangly and stiff.

Why would she be kidnapped and would this be a good idea?

I want to write a story about a girl who was kidnapped and is a long lost princess. I understand if it's like Shrek or Tangled but that's not what it'll be like, honest. I want her to be kidnapped for a reason but I don't know why she would be. Could you please help? And please don't say i need to create something that hasn't been used. I don't take peoples ideas. All I need is a reason why she would be kidnapped and maybe some names for her. Thanks

My sisters four foot wig is tangled?

My sister has a gour foot long wig. The ends have gotten so tangled a wig brush isnt helping is that anyway to untangle it OTHER THAN cutting it?

I can't remember the title of a book!!!?

I read a book a while back and it was hilarious! It was about a girl in her 20's that was a fortune teller or a psychic or something and she was asked to lie to a client by the clients family. It envolved a tangled web of diaster and humor and somewhere in there, something to do with a diamond ring. I think the cover was pink and had a martini glass and diamond ring on it... any help????

Why are Christians such hypocrites?

I mean they say only have married sex, yet we have all these preachers and the young boys! And Im positive Brother John and little Timmy were not married

Do you think boys and girls should do the other stuff only that gender can do?

for example if a girl likes watching wrestling or comics but is not allowed those things or when a boy wants to go inside a hair store but is not allowed in those stores i was watching fairly odd parents on ytv and timmy got turned into a girl from wanda and timmy wished that his fairly were the other gender and timmy went to go to a comic store and saw trixie there after that they went to a hair store and then the arcade

Is having sex in church bad?

My husband and I get our thrills having sex in public. In the early morning service at our church, it's mostly old people, so no one can hear us. Plus, there aren't that many people there, so the back pews are always empty. Is it okay for us to mutually masturbate during the sermon? To have full on intercourse? It helps us feel like God is fully included in our relationship.

Pok�mon White Question?

Because you had not talked to any of the residents they became bored and left along with the pokemon. To get people and pokemon back you will have to wirelessly visit somebody's black city and talk to different people. Some may decide to migrate to your white forest. Hope this helps.

Rate my Pokemon black team?

Awesome just one detail.. most of your pokemon are weak against ground and water type pokemon. You might wanna change your team a bit like emboar or victini. Other than that its a pretty good team.

Accesory help?!? necklaces?!?

i wear two silver chains every day. in the shower, to work, etc. the only problem is that no matter what i do they always seem to tangle. i have friends who also wear two chains, but theirs always remain perfect, or at least in photos. is there anything you can get that can help seperate two chains of different length? thanks!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Movie cover (like 80's or 90's) about a woman being strung up by her hands? kinda sexy?

i dont remember the title or anything, just the VHS movie cover. i think it involved something about a woman being kidnapped and held against her will. it was kind of sexual, and she may have been topless from the back? she is being strung up by both hands in some kind of empty room

My boyfriend told me he loves and I didn't say it back..?

THIS IS NORMAL...If he is the right soulmate for you,then he will u/stand your situation and feeling. Love is a wonderfull journey in life if our we meet the correct soulmate. You are correct..just wait until you get confident to him for start life journey with him forever.

Strange Situation in Hallway at School. Why Did These Guys Do This? 10PTS?

I'm a girl, 21, taking summer courses at my university atm. Last week, after classes were finished, I was walking through a hallway (on my way home) when a group of tall guys (maybe 4-5) were walking in the opposite direction towards me. They looked me over as I past them and then one of them suddenly grabs my arm and says "hey, you remember me, don't you?" These were all strangers so I was really frightened and said "no" (obviously). The other guys were saying things too but I just remember freeing my arm and walking away really fast away from them. I still heard their voices close by shouting at me for a bit and actually feared they were following me. But I didn't want to run and cause a scene since the hall was not empty. Luckily, they didn't follow me but honestly, I've never been so afraid in public in my life, like just the fact that that happened in a hallway with other ppl makes me really uneasy. Am I over-reacting? What should I have done? Or, what should I do if a similar situation occurs in the future?? much thanx.

Tim Horton's interview Help?

lol it doesn't take much to work at tims.. basically tell them that you like to be in a fast paced environment, work well with a team as well as the public, and you really enjoy coffee.. and that you know it cant be older than 20 minutes.

Please help me figure this out?

This morning I was in Ms.Myers class (food and nutritions) my ex is also in that class we have been broken up for about two weeks and i miss him so much...anyways i went in there to talk to my best friend Timmy and he was watching me the whole time especially when Zak hugged me because he was trying to prove i wasnt fat or something like that. :/ He's so stubborn it seems like he still likes me a lot but he wont admit it. What do you think? i was thinking about asking him to give us another chance but i dont know how (He broke up with me,because i told him i was turning my phone off for one day and he just snapped and said that's it i'm done" I would do anything to get him back...Please help..does he still like me? how should i ask him back out?

I need a growlithe. I have pokemon white. ?

My pokemon team will be complete with a growlithe of any level. My name is Timmy and my friend code is 5200 3290 1701

How do i mould icing onto cake?

I want to make a timmy time cake for my son's 1st birthday & want to make his head only, so will not be usual round or square shape. how do i mould the regal ice onto it properly? I've never done this before & want a good finish!

Timmy Geithner thinks the debt ceiling debate is 'ridiculous'. If so, why have a debt limit at all?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

I have hair fall problem can i go for smoothing of my hair at this stage?

My hair is rough,dry and tangled and also i have hair fall problem. whenever i go to salon ppl there tell me to do smoothening to my hair.Is it advisable at this stage to do smoothening of my hair? because am afraid if the hair fall problem goes more worse after it...

I'm throwing a birthday party for a two and three year old, need ideas for decorating.?

i am throwing a birthday party for my children. they are two (be three in October) and three (be four in August). would like some decorating ideas. i've done the invitations myself, already got the cakes ordered, and have the place for the party reserved. it's nothing bug just some family. there will be a few kids there (possibly 8 no more than 10). having the party at a local pizza place (pizza plus). our daughter loves tangled so we are going with a tangled cake and theme for half the party and our son loves Toothless off of How to Train our Dragon, so his half is going to be that kind of theme. As i already stated. we have the cakes on order already. i'm not looking for anything all out expensive just some ideas tht are budget friendly but will still look good. any help is appreciated. thanks in advance.

Why do people show men not women?

Two double standards are at work here . One is that women's "parts" are considered more sexualized than men's, because viewers are assumed to be male. Another is that male sexuality is considered funny, whereas female sexuality is either considered serious, or not considered at all. If a woman's pants were dropped, it would be considered by viewers to be titillating or obscene, not funny.

What is the best way to wash your hair with feather extensions.?

okay, so i'm getting feather extensions this week and i'm not sure how i should wash my hair. i'm like scared ill rip them out or ruin them. I'm also scared like they will clump together and get tangled. also when i get out of the shower i wrap my hair in the towel.. would that be a bad idea to do with the feather extensions in? Also should i be careful when i brush my hair, because i'm very OCD about my hair being brushed. Pleasee help me! hahaa

Strange Situation in Hallway at School. Why Did These Guys Do This? 10PTS?

I'm a girl, 21, taking summer courses at my university atm. Last week, after classes were finished, I was walking through a hallway (on my way home) when a group of tall guys (maybe 4-5) were walking in the opposite direction towards me. They looked me over as I past them and then one of them suddenly grabs my arm and says "hey, you remember me, don't you?" These were all strangers so I was really frightened and said "no" (obviously). The other guys were saying things too but I just remember freeing my arm and walking away really fast away from them. I still heard their voices close by shouting at me for a bit and actually feared they were following me. But I didn't want to run and cause a scene since the hall was not empty. Luckily, they didn't follow me but honestly, I've never been so afraid in public in my life, like just the fact that that happened in a hallway with other ppl makes me really uneasy. Am I over-reacting? What should I have done? Or, what should I do if a similar situation occurs in the future?? much thanx.

Night Walking. Is it abnormal and is it safe enough?

Hello guys, i am a sixteen year old boy who enjoys walking out at night(alone), and i live in suburban Colorado. I was wondering if it was weird for a person, in general to enjoy a night stroll? I love the chill from the fresh watered lawn, and the empty sidewalks where i can spend my time alone. I walk between 9-11 p.m. which is legally permitted in Colorado, and i usually go with my dog (small, and wimpy). Do you guys think this is a weird habit, and do you think i am safe enough? Thanks. Mom's been nagging, hope to see some good responses. Thanks.

Why is the swelling in my arm persisting?

Last week Thursday I was involved in a Wakeboarding accident where the rope got tangled around my arm when I fell and ended up dragging me for about 100 ft. After the boat had stopped I unwrapped the rope from my arm to find some rope burn and numbness from the tight squeeze of the rope. However, today the rope burn is almost completely healed but the swelling where the rope was caught has not gone down. There is no black and blue bruising just a large ring around my arm that is relatively pain free...should I be worried/ get it checked out?

What are you favorite film scores?

I'm a big fan of the "Gladiator," "Batman Begins, "The Dark Knight," and "Transformers" scores. John Williams is easily the most recognizable because of his work in "Star Wars," the Indiana Jones and Superman movies, but Hans Zimmer is a very close second.

Which name is better for a fish :)?

Call him all of the names and see which one he comes too. Oh wait, he is a fish. He doesn't care what you call him or know the difference.

Sometimes dreams are realized, will you C/C please?

Just finished reading one of Billy Collin's poetry books. Very conversational, at least to my interpretation, in his style as is this. Great story with more meat underneath when one pauses. Not a fan of how you laid this out though and some grammar and punctuation edits are needed but that's your call. Enjoyed though.

I don't understand what is happening?

(I never truly feel happy and I'm 14) Every now and again I start to feel empty, bored, deppressed and that my life sucks i have anxiety and I don't go to school - I go to a progam though for maths and English- I also vist my psychologist every month and my psychiatrist every six weeks, I have no real friends and I seem to fall in love with any boy who talks to me. What should I do to get rid of the feeling I have?

Omg!!!!! i finally had a dream but.....?

you were probably tired from your exercises. and while falling asleep, you probably were thinking about your bf without realizing it. try thinking about him before you go to sleep again and youll most likely dream about him. this happens to me a lot. think good thoughts about him and about how happy he makes you. maybe youll have an even better dream?(: haha good luck!

Is the tower in 'Tangled' inspired by German architecture?

Is the construction of the tower and the village featured in 'Tangled' inspired by German architecture?

Help me.should i loose my virginity?

I really like my new boyfriend Timmy but I'm only 15, he's the same age, he's asked me to have sex, I really like him but don't know what to do..I'm scared that if I don't I'll loose my Timmy, also I'm a virgin and have never done anything as far as a snog..

If i chew my hair into tiny pieces, will it still become a hairball?

I had a hairball in my tummy when I was about 14 because I ate my hair, trichotillomania, I am currently healthy and have had no problems with it. I am wondering however, I know if you swallow strands they get tangled and become a life threatening bezoar, but if u chew them into tiny pieces, will they still become a hairball?

What Happened To Drake Bell And Josh Peck?

I remember rushing home from school to watch Drake and Josh, my favorite show. When Drake and Josh ended, I cried. I was just so upset. After that, they disappeared. I heard that Drake Bell will be in a new movie called Grown Up Timmy Turner. So I'm looking forward to that. But Josh Peck??? What happened to him? He was hilarious! I thought Drake Bell had a good voice but he really didn't continue with his singing career. There's no more good shows on anymore. No Drake and Josh, no That's So Raven, no Suite Life On Deck, and no more Lizzy McGuire. Plus Wizard's of Waverly Place is ending soon. Now all we have is Bad Luck Charlie, Stop Shaking It Up, and Stink Farm. I mean I'm not really complaining about Drake and Josh ending because all shows end at one point, I just want to see more of Drake and Josh. Like what happened to them?

Why are cartoon bad people almost always ethnic?

From Cruella Deville to Gargamel to Tangled, Despicable Me, Boris and Natasha, and it seems that having dark hair, off white skin, and a curved or crooked nose and an accent seems to automatically make you a bad character. Think about what that is teaching millions of kids across the globe. Has this point ever been raised? Has there ever been a blonde/blue eye cartoon villian?


Use a shampoo that straightens hair if you can find one. Also come through your hair with a pick, not a brush if you just got out of the shower. If you don't have a pick, use a comb. Then use a round brush to make the ends go under and blowdry it with a round brush. This will help with the damaged look. If you want any extra volume or anything, use moose after you get out of the shower and once it's dry, tease it. Make sure you use a little hairspray to hold it in place, but not too much. If this doesn't work, straighten it a little after, or get a haircut. If you have someone who knows how to french braid really well then you could take a shower the night before the event and right when you get out, have them french braid it. Take this out in the morning and it will be crimped, which hides most signs of damage. You could always use a crimper too. Glad to help!:)

How to care for curly hair?

get a good mousse and hairspray but not a heavy one. and dont not shampoo your hair and you need to shampoo and condition your hair at least 3 times a week

Could you rate my Magic green/white deck?

No focue, just random cards thrown together, also too many one-ofs. I understand only including one of a legendary, but you need a set of a card to draw it reliably.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Iam having nokia 5233 mobile n problem vt its inbuilt memory plz plz help nobody is answering this...?

my nokia 5233 mobile is a new handset which i took it on 1st of jan of this year,it is having internal memory around 80MB but after rounding up the memory used for internal phone applications and msgs it should be around 50 to 55MB at the most but my mobile is showing memory left in KBs when i see the folders in phone manager they are empty but still the phone memory is bieng used for the purpose which i don't know.n decreasing memory further ,I Have visited nokia care for three times but they say may b u have virus ,as i use to browse net through uc browser on this mobile or may be the uc browser problem which iam not able to clear up the cookies or other waste information stored without bieng into consideration please send me the path to clear up the uc browser and mobile browser cache,cookies n free up the mobile memory,this problem come when i use net from my mobile n the nokia care service people always format my phone this makes its memory normal but again problem recurrs after certain period of time,i don't want to format my phone again n again n i also don't want to stop using net from my phone plz Plz help me,i have used many applications like cleaner ,active file,memory up,net q in,ram blower but thes application free a very less amount that is only 0.5 to 2MB only,this less amount of memory is making my phone slow even hang for few times plz help me

Would you trust this person to groom?

sorry no i wouldn't trust a 15yr old to groom my dogs. does she know how to handle all dogs? some dogs with under coats can't be cut like normal dogs. I know you said you have a yorkie i am just wondering I have two terriers and their groomer said that most terriers they have groomed hate to have their feet touched as mine do would she know what to do? unless i knew her or had a friend use her then no. good luck

How to be isolated/have no friends? More details in question.?

Do what I did in High School.. During Lunch Go in the bathroom.. And Just sit there.. Or go in the bathroom and jus do sum texting on your phone = ) U dont have to have any friends.. u bette roff without them

Ser and estar pesado?

i think people who correct me about la caja es pesada are incorrect, its la caja esta pesada, for example la caja esta vacia means the box is empty, so you people are probably not native spanish speakers, just wanna bes

Please help me figure this out?

This morning I was in Ms.Myers class (food and nutritions) my ex is also in that class we have been broken up for about two weeks and i miss him so much...anyways i went in there to talk to my best friend Timmy and he was watching me the whole time especially when Zak hugged me because he was trying to prove i wasnt fat or something like that. :/ He's so stubborn it seems like he still likes me a lot but he wont admit it. What do you think? i was thinking about asking him to give us another chance but i dont know how (He broke up with me,because i told him i was turning my phone off for one day and he just snapped and said that's it i'm done" I would do anything to get him back...Please help..does he still like me? how should i ask him back out?

My curly hair is really tangled what do i do..?

Use detangling spray and keep on spraying it all over you head as you brush with a comb. Take it one section at a time, it might take a long time but at least youll get it done eventually :) good luck

What can I do with my hair? Chemically Straighten?

As long as you don't color you hair, I say go for it. See to a legit hair dresser. I'm sure you'll love it.

Why is my hair tangled everytime i wash my hair?

Whenever I wash my own hair it is tangled and whenever someone else does its not tangled. What am I doing wrong? I use pantene shampoo pro-v for the first two washes and then i use head and shoulders danduff shampoo (classic usually) for the third wash. Then i use pantene conditioner for my conditioner and i try to comb my hair out and it tangled and then when i get out of the shower and dry it off with a towel and its still tangled. Why is my hair so tangled all the time?

Is Robert Horry hall of fame material?

I think not. In the right place at the right time to hit shots. NBA players get paid millions to shoot basketballs, so I expect him to hit open jumpers. He only averaged 7 ppg over his career and rode the coat tails of shaq, kobe, timmy, and hakeem.

How do I COMPLETELY delete browsing history from my Address Bar?

Thats really odd... I wouldn't even use IE it sucks, its an unsafe browser... try downloading mozilla firefox or Opera OR Google Chrome to see if its still having this problem... I also recommend using one of those just cause their actually faster and better... and more user friendly...

My Crested Gecko has just died of a disease. It didn't eat for th whole time a had it!?

he could of defiantly had a infection in his mouth and tummy if he wasn't eating and also parasites.. were you feeding him meal worms? never ever feed any lizard or gecko meal worms b/c they burrow in there stomach and eat they're insides slowly... you have to cut off the head and tails of them in order for them not to but that's why i only feed them crickets.. but no smaller than the space between they're eyes!

Have just been dumped. am tired of relationships?

that excuse about grades was silly, to say the least. He said you hurted him few times, is that it? Is that the only reason he dumped you. I have a feeling he just wanted to get away from you, may be to somebody else. Dont feel bad about it. If you know that you didnt actually ruin the relationship, then its him whos on fault, not you

Help me! a mouse is stuck!?

there's a mouse stuck between the mesh in my chipmunk house. It's like really tangled and struggled when it saw me. There's a mouse dead next to it and died from being stuck in the mesh. it's so sad! i don't know what to do... it could be argued that's it's vermin but i don't want the little guy to suffer :'( what should i do?

Drinking water on my period hurts my stomach? Why?

I tried to drink slower, and the water was not warm but not cold. I did drink on an empty stomach. Why does it bother my stomach??

Does he like me? If he does... what do i do?

um okay so now that this year has been shortened down to less than 2 months this changes things up, if you've been flirting a lot and he even wanted to slow dance with you then i would say you have a gud chance with him. alot of the time guys will just tell thier friends that they arnt going to ask a girl out because thats more or less the same as asking a girl out directly (since your right there and all) and thats not exactly the easiest thing to do (especially on the fly like that). so yeah maybe talk to him alone and tell him that you like him, and i would say theres a good chance that he would say he likes you too. and at the very least if he says no he will still think its cute that you did that, and it probably wont mess with your friendship.

Help me with this please ! (pic)?

I have long eyelashes, and I can't use mascara or they become too heavy. And using a curler has no use because they already have a curl... The weaker eyelashes also bend downwards and poke me in the eyes. Also, my eyelashes sometimes get tangled together. I want to do something new with them, and get rid of the irritation... I'm not considering cutting them. Any suggestions would be apprieciated. Thanks :)

Are "normal" raccoons aggressive toward humans or small dogs?

"provoked" being a subjective term. A pair of raccoons walking down a sidewalk may feel provoked if you are coming towards them on the same sidewalk. Raccoons will take on dogs. In areas that have a lot of raccoons, people learn not to leave any food out for the dog or cat because a raccoon will take the food. An adult raccoon can shred a dog's skin in a second.

Can somebody try to help me understand why i feel this way?

this happened not to long ago, warning this is long. i have good qualities im nice, im funny, im great artist, heavy metal musician, football, baseball player, im strong, healthy, i have a way with training animals but i feel empty, not to long ago a ph disaster happened in my fish tank and 5 fish died and my dad called me lazy along with that he complained about the overgrown weeds and the fact i dont swim in the pool to often but im very busy all the time. and then he thinks i cant take care of the dog he's lhasa apso and he has eye, skin and ear problems he wont let me give him medicine the one thing hes a bad dog with. he also complains about my clothes and is always calling me lazy Its almost like he only cares about what he doesnt like about me usaully it doesnt bother me from him it does and its had me down for a long time and i need good answers

Will you read my poem (Triple Clover), maybe?

I agree you have nice imagery but you lead off a bit. Try to stay on point, your going down one road but you saw taco bell and swerved off. Other than that i loved it.

Can an empty butane tank be refilled with propane?

NEVER mess with this sort of thing. If the tank is Butane, use Butane... Although they are similar types of gas, they are both quite volatile and if you do it wrong, you soon soon understand what the "BIG BANG" theory is all about!!!

Really bad relationship problems? I need help, what should I do?

honey i dont want to be rude but it sounds like to me you better move on and leave this boy alone he never spends time with you and everything else is more important to him. when you have made up your mind to move it may just jolt him back into reality.a and if he truly loves you he will be back if he does'nt come back you have'nt lost anything but a life of misery....

Flynn Ryder or Prince Naveen?

To help settle a dispute, do you think that Flynn Ryder from Tangled or Prince Naveen of Maldonia from Princess and the Frog is more attractive? Keep in mind personality (because you can have a sexy personality).

How can I fix a DVD that skips?

I got the DVD Tangled and each time I watched it, it would skip a scene. I tried cleaning it and playing it on other DVD players and my computer but it still skipped. I got a new one and it did the exact same thing. Any suggestions on how to get it to work correctly and not skip the scene?

Is Mac and Cheese in a can good?

I'm talking about the Chef Boyardee stuff. That you like empty in a pot and just stir? I have some but it looks nasty. D: I also have Kraft Mac but no milk.

Should I marry him, tell him the baby might not be his, or get an abortion to save the band?

dont get an abotion please thats like murder you are killing a baby for your own elfish reasons :'( dont please. the best thing you can do is tell the truth :'( but please dont get an abortion :(

How to keep curls in hair when detangling?

i have the same problem! i dunno. i havent reached a solution yet but the latest tial was to detangle my hair before washing it so it doesnt need detangling when its wet. that should keep the curls. yet its not a perfect solution

Monday, August 8, 2011

1998 Jeep Grand Cherokee started sputtering when I reached about 45 mph it started sputtering.?

1998 Jeep Grand Cherokee started sputtering when I reached about 45 mph it started sputtering.The gas gauge would fall to empty,the check engine light would come on and it felt like it wanted to stall.All plugs are good and vacuum lines connected correctly,air filter is new.Any suggestion's to what can be the problem?

Could someone tell me more about rapunzel from tangled?

i'm playing rapunzel at a birthday party for a 5 year old. I've watched the movie but i'd still like to know a little more about the character. I have a costume, a pascal, and a frying pan.

HP Photosmart Plus B210 Help.?

Ok, So Im Trying To Print Some Pictures-I Already Have The Photosmart Paper In The Printer- And It Says The Tray Is Empty. Idk What To Do. (The Tray Is Full Btw)

Am I a jerk for not wanting to talk to my mother?

i dont blame you for not wanting to talk to her. but i say eventually you will have to confront her when you are a little older. take some time to let her realize that she ruined her chances to see you become a woman. she might even come to you.

Will a fiddler crab be able to live in a one gallon tank?

im wonderin will a fiddler crab be able to live in a 1 gallon tank i have 1 fiddler crab in a 1 gallon tank an so far its lived 3 weeks an it doesent have a filter or anything well its got algea an a shark cave an it gos upside down in the shark cave whenever it see's my cat Timmy an it has a big cave that it can get out of water?

Can I bring an empty zippo lighter into Australia?

I'm going to Bali in a couple of days and I want to bring back a zippo lighter. Firstly, how will I know if it's empty and if it's full, how can i empty it? And Secondly, can I bring it into Australia?

Awkward situation with a guy... Any similar stories anyone?

Act like it never happened. If he did actually hear it and he asks you about it, say something like "Oh really? I don't remember" that way it gives off the impression that you never cared

How to fix small loops of bobbin thread when using a Singer Prelude 8280 machine?

I recently got a used machine, and it has loops of bobbin thread on the bottom of the thread no matter what I do. I tried all tension settings, even up to the highest, and still have loops of bobbin thread. I re-threaded the top thread, with the presser foot up, double checking to make sure it's right. The bobbin is threaded correctly and all the parts are inserted correctly. I dusted out the machine. And I STILL have loops of bobbin thread on the bottom! I used two different colors of thread, so I know it's the bobbin. The loops aren't big, only about 2-3mm or 1/8 inch, and aren't tangled.

Please help me... i feel like dying?

i been to psychiatrist twice now, i told my doctor about the neighbor noise at night and i am only getting 4 hours of sleep everyday, i showed him the recorded videos and audio and he prescribed me with clonazepam 2mg and risperidone 2mg and my life changed after talking those pill i having very low mood, lost my appetite, sucidal feeling , easily get bored and depressed along with suicidal feeling, please tell me what to do now, i feel so empty and dont wanna live anymore and my next appointment to vist the doctor is on 5th of july should i tell him and i dont wanna take lexapro.

Opinions on a short opening to a story?

I loved it. It was full of detail, which I personally think is important in a good story. And you have a perfect amount of it. Love the rhetorical question for the opening, I think that makes the reader want to keep on reading and find out the answer. It seems quite dark and morbid, which I assume is what you were going for? If so then you did a very good job. Keep going with this, it's captivating.

Why won't my USB flash drive clear?

It's capacity is 8 GB. I deleted everything I had in there so it is now empty. But it says I only have 1 GB left and it should be 8 GB. help :(

How come i cant break out of this depression.....?

I know i should be happy because im pregnant and having a healthy pregnancy, babys father walked out on me almost 4 weeks ago and ever sense i cant smile or even think about being happy i feel alone and empty...almost like im alive but not living people r judging me and talking about me now like saying im need to suck it up and stuff i dont need to hear that from anyone unless they have been in my position how can they say anything?...i just dont know what too do,how could he just leave me with his child goes to show how things are these days.

My crush/best friend died?

I am so sorry for your loss. Cry it out , It'll take some time to come to terms.If you are 13 , you should talk it out to your parents or someone who's close to you.

Is the uterus always filled with some kind of fluid?

Hi, I know this might seem an odd question, but I always presumed the uterus is 'empty' unless a woman is on her period or pregnant. However if sperm 'swim' to the egg, then is the uterus always filled with some kind of fluid which they 'swim' in?

How to air dry african american hair?

I think you should put your hair into multiple braids when you get out of the shower. Add your leave in conditioner and then let it dry. Putting it in braids will stretch it out. When it is almost dry but still damp undo a braid and then blow dry it. Add leave in conditioner when you are taking down a braid so you can comb it.

What is a good gaming headset?

I want to buy a new gaming headset for my computer. Iv had 2 Steelseries headset.. and they both broke... one actually just broke now. I can only hear through the right side.. and the left side is completly dead. Iv also had Razer Carcheria.. but that also broke.. ;\ I need a good headset that wont break within a few months. Also the problem I have with steelseries.. is that the plastic cable.. slowly starts spinning and geting all tangled up.. ;\ So what do you guys recommend? Give me some links to check out some pair of headsets. PRICE DOES NOT MATTER, but cheap is better haha,.

What do you think of this sibset?

Yes, I think Timmy is a good name for the baby of the family. I think the names you have sound like they fit with your kids' personalities. :)

Name of animated movie?

Hey there is this animated movie, kinda animated like Tangled, but its two guys one with long blonde hair and i think they're treasure hunting and at one point theres like a horse involved idk. its around 2004-2008

What else should i add to my website?

I am making a website for my gaming clan on black ops but dont know what else to add. I have a calendar up and i am going to put the roster. I have photos and videos on there, but we still need to add them and forums. My home page is pretty empty just a welcome message. Can anyone give me more ideas on what to add to my site

Please rate/Criticize my 4 Magic the Gathering Decks?

Your decks are all over the place, they are not very good at all 1/10. Having single cards in decks is NOT going to work, you need 4 copies of everything but planeswalkers and legendary creatures.

Omg may have sent pic to wrong person?!?!?!?!?

heyyyy im kayla and im a total dumbass cuz tonight after i got out the shower i felt horny so while i was still in my panties and bra i took pictures,i sent some of them to my boyfriend,well for some reason timmy didnt recieve the pics,,and i think it maybe because we r havin a storm here so its just slow,and thn i though what if i sent them to the wrng person,,,,so i went to go check but the snt mail wont load cuz it says it is having internet problems,,,,,,immm so scared,,,is there a way to try and get ur internet on phone working?cuz my labtop an ipod touches internet is working riht now

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Questions About Purchasing a Cosplay Wig?

How about this wig? It's 80cm and it's heat resistant. I trust this company. I buy all my cosplay stuff from them :) a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2 vs Tangled?

I bought a $15 iTunes gift card and I want to buy a Comedy+Family movie so that everybody can watch in my family. But I have to choose between Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2 and Tangled (I haven't watched both) I watched the first Chihuahua movie and was very excited when the 2 comes out, but I've heard a lot of negative comments/reviews about it, and Tangled is newer and many people recommend it, buy I don't know how it is actually like. I want to buy something that is worth the money. (Both are at the same price)

Help for tangled frizzy hair?

I have to exact same hair as you. For shampoo and conditioner get Matrix sleek looks. It's perfect for my hair and probably will be for yours to. Then if you do flat iron your hair I would use Paul Mitchell super skinny serum which i use everyday. If you want to make it look good straight I finally found the perfect mousse try Paul Mitchell Extra body styling foam. I just got it and for the first time I can wear my hair naturally and it looks so good. Hope this helps :)

DS: Dog/human symbiotic relationships: Is it love or is it just survival?

I know there is "scientific" studies for everything. I would just like to offer this....The next time you are sitting across the room from your dog, and he looks up at you..(.I see love in his eyes and wagging tail.)..what do you see?

Should I continue going natural?

I have Afro-Ameriacn hair and I'm in transition of going natural. I haven't had a perm for 8 months, and I have about 1-2 inches of natural hair and the rest is permed. I just took my braids out, and it was extremely tangled and hard to manage. It took days to comb out, wash and straighten, not to mention how painful it was. Will it be this hard to maintain when I cut my permed ends off? Did the braids cause or contribute to the tangles? Or should I just give up and relax it?

I'm fake happy in life :(..?

I'm a 16 year old male in Florida. I've noticed that I'm truly not happy in life and I do not enjoy it. I always tell my friends I've living it up, but in reality I'm insecure and feel empty. I'm a pretty handsome kid but have never used it to my advantage, and do not have as many friends as I should have. Also, I always say I don't care what others think but I know I am lying to myself. I don't know if I'm depressed or not because there are some days where I love life, but the majority of the time I am bored. How can I truly let go of all my insecurites and learn to live life despite what others think?

I feel constantly Disasociated! **Advice ASAP**?

Hey, Im 14 about to turn 15 but I have been smoking for the past 3 1/2 years and I quit about 10 weeks ago. The thing is - when I first started I would ignore the fact that me and my friends would smoke but I would get WAAY more stoned than them - and also that I would have these sudden rushes of sense and realization that would hit me as I got less stoned. Weed would blow my mind - BUT WAAAAY too much. As I got less stoned - my senses (taste, smell & just generally feeling there) would kick in and I would feel normal & 'back' again but as I gradually began smoking more heavily (during the 2nd and 3rd year) the time in between these realizations when I smoked (And I was smoking weed & cigs quite regularly) would increase in length until I would have to wait days then months and now it seems 10 weeks (and counting) before my senses would kick in. I feel so disociated - not upset or deppressed or even bored but I just feel not here. I want to have my senses back - all my mates say I should begin feeling like myself again and that it only takes 56 days for weed to leave your system but I feel mentally the same and also emotionally empty - feeling only weak happiness rarely and only sad or laughing but its not truely how I feel because I just dont feel in control. & I DO NOT feel anxiety. please, its been years since I have felt like I am actually here - HELP!!!!!!!!!

How to throw away unwanted deodorant and perfume?

i have a few deodorants and perfumes thats not completely empty but i dont want them anymore. im scared if i just throw them itll just explode in the garbage truck

Does masturbating too much drain your energy?

For once I thought I finally found the one thing that you can do a lot of, that's AWESOME, without any negative after effects. But I think I might be wrong on that, because it may explain why exercise is still so hard for me and I don't have much energy for many things. Is it true that it really drains you of energy and that explains the great feeling you get from it? Because it drains it all at once and you feel so satisfied afterwards? Many people say that masturbating too much isn't a bad thing at all.. but I think they only think about it from one angle.. such as whether or not your sperm levels will permenently empty, or if your penis becomes useless.. all of those I know about, which obviously don't happen.. but have they thought about it from the perspective of how it makes you feel afterwards? I'm beginning to think that masturbation is like fast food. REALLY great when you're having it, but the punishments are fierce. Is that true?

I need a name! please help mee!!!?

While your out and about have a look for people who look similar to the one you have pictured. Normally when you see someone normally you think of a name straight away that suits them. all i can think of is max or jack? Hope this helps.

How to get out of a lease?

I had signed up for a lease agreement in april of this year. for one year agreement till next april. My boyfriend has lost his job and I have been sick off and on so money is tight and we really cant afford to live there anymore paying $701 a month. We have talked to the property manager and the only way we can get out of our lease agreement is either Military orders, Move out, but still pay rent till someone can move in ( which we all know they would not work on finding someone till allot heir empty ones were full) or find someone to take over the apartment. We have been trying that. Posting it legally on facebook account and Craigslist. But does anyone know any other way to get out of it? We live in Florida and according the place they tell us that in Florida there is no termination fee. Which would be wonderful, So for now we are cutting corners the best we can. But...any help?

Good conditioner for THICK LONG STRAIGHT hair?

Yes I would go back to Pantene. Im growing my hair out and i started using Pantine Beautiful Lengths. It works really good. I would suggest cutting the ends every 2 months to get rid of the split-ends to keep your hair healthier.

Does anyone else think mail men make a lot more money than meets the eye (Stolen mail)?

It may happen, but I am sure it is extremely rare. If it does happen then it is Granny's fault, as you are not supposed to send cash through the postal system.

Use algebra to explain this equation..?

Allison has $60 in her piggy bank and is saving $2 per week. Her little brother Timmy has $12 in his piggy bank and is also saving $2 per week. Timmy hopes that soon he will have as much money as Allison.

I need help organizing my jewelry!?

I have tons of jewelry and I need an innovative idea about what to do with it/how to display it. I have tons of necklaces, stud earrings, hoops, feather earrings, bangles, bracelets, and body jewelry. I have TWO medium sized jewelry boxes on my vanity but it's starting to look cluttered and my necklaces are starting to tangle. Any ideas on what to do? Or any websites with a LARGE organizer for jewelry? HELP!!

American air power failed miserably in Libya which is a 3rd world backwater so it might as well bring it to?

How many U.S. planes has Libya managed to shoot down? None. So please explain how the U.S.'s airpower is failing miserably.

I put relaxer on my daughters hair last night, and being the first time we were cautious and only left it?

in the minimum amount of time and the back of here hair did not relax at all, how long do i need to wait before applying the relaxer again to the part that didn't previously relax? she is biracial her hair is fine but extremely curly and its always painful when i brush her hair no matter what products we use to ease the tangled mess!!

Best products to detangle baby's curly hair?

My DD is black/pacific islander and she has gorgeous curly hair. Not kinky curly, just corkscrew and waves. At the end of the day her hair is a hot mess of tangles, so I've been using some baby detangler (Johnson & Johnson I think) every night. But I really don't like it- it sort of leaves a film on her hair. Anyone with mixed babies know what works well for their hair? I'm not using any other products except detangler, but still I want to use something good that won't damage her hair so early. Thanks!

Is this healthy and why did this happen? 10 points?

Not realy because you hair has natural oils in it and wash ur hair every other day if u want ur hair to be shiny use silk oil only a little or bi silk the spay remember not a lot

I feel so empty because of him.?

This guy use to talk to me, and now I don't even see him, I liked him for a year, from year 10 to currently 11. He stopped talking to me, he has a girlfriend. We use to be prettty good friends, and I really like him so much. But I think I'm at the point where I know I shouldn't bother anymore thinking dreaming and all that **** cause I know I can't have him. Even though I want him so bad it's crazy. I just feel invisible now she's in his life. Like I know I was never his, and he was never mine. But. Still. I feel so empty like I have nothing to look forward to at school or whenever I know I'm going to see him. I just. I'm crazy over him. And the more I feel it, the more it kills me. I just want him really bad. I just wish there was a way for him to like me or atleast show interest? And I don't want to get in the way of their relationship. Cause I'm not A selfish *****. But. That doesn't change the fact that i want him. Everybody gets their fairytail ending or it ends up working out for them. But. I just hate myself for not being pretty enough or good enough. Ive tried my hardest to get over him, and it's like everythings standing in the way. I've deleted him off facebook, my contacts in my phone. But I still manage to see him every where on facebook cause I'm friends with his girlfriend. An if I deleted her it would be so obvious. Please help?

I fixed this from asking the first time now what do you think of the short story?

The sentence flow is choppy and irregular. It may help you to close your eyes and imagine this scene unfolding like a movie, taking note of what the character senses in chronological order, and jotting it down, THEN write the scene.

Whats wrong with her?

I was like that in a lot of ways. She is hiding something. She might have a personality disorder. I am not so sure though you should get her some help on the inside she is a mess, that I know from personal thoughts.

What is wrong with my puppy?

If she went off the food before the dog park incident, it could be a medical problem. Have your vet check her.

Does this sound interesting? Would you read beyond this?

Any ideas what could happen next? Ouch! Before you even begin, you should have your story line complete, so you know EXACTLY what is going to happen next, and can build up to it. You can do foreshadowing, you can plant clues - you can do all sorts of things to help the story along, but you have to know where it's going.

What's your favourite Disney princess movie(s)?

Mine is by far Beauty and the Beast!!! :) I love all the characters and Chip is so cute!! Belle, Sleeping Beauty, and Arial are by far my favs!! Everyone is raving about Tangled and I haven't seen it yet-is it really that good?!

Is Andrew Bogut a top 5 PURE center in the nba?

It'd be interesting to ask this in a years time when he's had more of a chance to get over his injury. He improved his rebounding and defense this year and has great court vision but his offence has suffered. If he can get his offence to the standard of last year or improve then he'd definitely be amongst the best. Probably will never be as good as Howard but can rival Gasol and Noah and Bynum if only cos Bynum is so injury prone (I appreciate the irony of calling someone injury prone when talking about Bogut). Lopez is extremely overated. Can't rebound, can't play D - he doesn't deserve to be in this discussion and Horford is a PF as opposed to a true centre which the question asked. Bogut is right up there and if he rediscovers his offence, top 5 for sure

Geithner: We Have To Raise Taxes On Small Businesses So The Government Doesn’t “Shrink”…?

Businesses don't pay taxes, consumers do. This amounts to an increase on the people. In the end we have to pay for any increase the government inflicts.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Who should she go out with?

I think maybe timmy wants to protect her from getting hurt.....she should probably go out with tim :)

How can I get someone invited to a party? BUT....?

Okay, My friend Timmy is throwing a party for our other friend Henry. I've been liking this guy, Sam, for a bit but i haven't told anyone AND I DON'T PLAN TO! Henry's friendly with him espessially since the people invited to the party are good friends with Sam. But Timmy didn't invite Sam and I don't know if he forgot to or thought henry wasn't good friends with him or what! Anyway how can i get Sam invited w/o being obvious of my crush. (SAM NOR TIMMY KNOW ABOUT THIS! AND NEITHER DOES HENRY SINCE IT'S HIS SURPRISE PARTY)

Can someone explain what Tourette Syndrome Is? Wikipedia is 2 complicated. And does Terminal Tourette's exist?

And for those wondering where I heard of "Terminal Tourette"s is it is this disease I heard of in this game "Sam and Max Beyond Time and Space". This character Timmy Two-Teeth in it has it.

Can I bring an empty zippo lighter into Australia?

I'm going to Bali in a couple of days and I want to bring back a zippo lighter. Firstly, how will I know if it's empty and if it's full, how can i empty it? And Secondly, can I bring it into Australia?

Would like advice from professional dog trainer on 9 week old puppy!?

Ok first off the pup was taken from mom and litter mates to early. That is the first thing working against you. You are going to have biting because normally if the pup stayed with the litter and he bit his litter mates to hard the pups would either bite back or yelp and stop playing. If he bit mom to hard she would put her mouth around his neck and pin him to the ground to tell him she has had enough. So you tapping the dog in the nose is not communicating that you mean enough. You are actually doing the opposite and enticing him to play. Dont tap or hitthe dog he is a puppy not human so it does not have the same meaning to him as it does to us. You should only give him a sharp no. As far as walking a.9 week old puppy he is way to young to umderstand heel. Right now he should just be getting used to walking on a leash period. The come command should only be used for fun right now and never scold him only praise him no matter what if he comes. If he did do something wrong use an entirely different word like get over here or something like that. The sit command at his age should be just that. It does not matter if he gets up the point is he sat and he gets rewarded. Dogs only know black and white. Always use hand signals for each command. Pups of that age should only be learning one command at a time and training sessions should be no longer than 15 minutes. Once he has sit down pat you can move to the next command. The next command should be stay to follow with others.

My hair is very strange?

Some days it is oily, some days it is dry. It get's tangled easily and it is fairly thick which makes it harder for me to style it. I style my hair in simple ways i do not use creams or sprays, i use all nature beauty products. I oil my hair three times a week with almond oil. I need some advice on how to tame my hair when it is dry, or to keep it neat when it is oily. Any home remedies or advice?

Should my mom trust her nephew who murdered someone?

my mom has recently been talking to her nephew who is in jail right now for murdering someone when he was in a gang 10 years ago when he was 17 years old. he claims that he became a christian so my mom always talks to him and he asks her for money and he asked her for a wedding ring for his girlfriend, but my sister my dad and I dont trust him at all, because what he says about being a christian and all that stuff all sounds soooo fake, but of course my mom believes him even though its quite obvious its all a lie. my older sister who is 19 told me that she remembers that when she was 4 years old my moms nephew(timmy) tried stealing her car keys when my mom wasnt paying attention but she told him not to and he told her to be quiet. but anyways i just wanted to know what to tell my mom so that she'll know that he's lying and he's just using her.

Poofy, frizzy, tangled hair issues?!?

I had the same Problem! The solution is to change your shampoo. I recommend to buy the Burt's Bees Very Voluminizing Shampoo and Conditioner. Leaves your hair looking great and smelling great. Also to make your hair less frizzy buy Coconut Milk by Organix. It leaves your hair look sleek and shiny and smelling great!

When timmy`s parents realize vicky`s evilness FOR EVER?and when timmy and vicky are friends FOR EVER?

but i think if all of negatives of dimmsdale realize vicky`s evilness or timmy and vicky be friends in one episode in fairly oddparents,in next episode all of people will forget it or timmy and vicky will be enemies again;because the episodes of this cartoon don`t have any connection with together.what do you think?Am i right?

What are good products to detangle baby's curly hair?

My DD is black/pacific islander and she has gorgeous curly hair. Not kinky curly, just corkscrew and waves. At the end of the day her hair is a hot mess of tangles, so I've been using some baby detangler (Johnson & Johnson I think) every night. But I really don't like it- it sort of leaves a film on her hair. Anyone with mixed babies know what works well for their hair? I'm not using any other products except detangler, but still I want to use something good that won't damage her hair so early. Thanks!

For older single guys (over 40), what's your view towards marriage? Is it worth the bother for you?

I am divorced. And story b sounds just like my ex wife. But I really wouldn't trade it for anything. We adopted 4 kids. Which I wouldn't have had. They are my life. I would do anything for them. Even though marriage sucked. I would do it all over again for my kids. So I guess story b I would pick. Anyway.

Do you give money when a panhandler asks for it?

I usually give them something. Just think of how down on your luck you would have to be to resort to this. If you don't have it though you don't have it.

Survey How do you leave the feedback box empty when you pick a best answer?

Maybe because the question was only picked best answer because all of the other options for best answer were not really comparable but the best answer wasn't really anything special anyways, it was just the best out of a crappy crowd of answers.

Was i the only flyers fan out there rooting for the bruins?

They are playing a classic Canadian style hockey due to their mainly Canadian roster, but usually when your a fan of one team you don`t root for any other team, you should be neutral about who wins like me.

How do i add itunes music to windows movie maker?

okay so i press import audio/music then i go to the itunes folder, click on the singer then the almbum pops up, i click on that but then it says somthing like this folder is empty! HELP ASAP my computer is a dell laptop

Should I have been fired for playing this innocent prank?

I started working in a famous high street home ware store about five months ago. A colleague and I were bored one day, so we decided to put pictures of page 3 topless models in the empty display frames in the home furnishing department. The shop got complaints, but they didn't know who did it. However, they looked at CCTV footage of the stock room and saw me and my friend putting them in. It was only an innocent prank, but now we've both been fired. Do you think that's fair?

Is there anybody out there?

I feel as though my life is now gone and missing, leaving a cold empty shell. I feel that everyone around never liked my presence or enjoyed my company. I want to end my life but I'm also too scared to do it because I still want to live. Yet, I don't want to continue my life out of fear of certain people I meet on a daily basis. I want to end this dilemma Im having.

Does this here interest you at all?

Now that i read that I want to Read more plzzzz give me more im soo interested!!!! it is amazing i love it. PLZZZ give me more!?!?!

Best Pitcher In MLB Today?

I know most people will say Roy Halladay (I agree) but I feel as if it is not clear. There are so many pitchers in the league who can challenge him. I have no problem with people who say Felix, Timmy, JJohnson etc are on the same level or better. I feel so privileged to be able to watch the MLB. There are so many good pitchers I can't believe it.

What fairly odd parents episode is this?

That episode is Truth or Cosmoquences. Cosmo has his high school reunion and has lied to everyone about his life.

Pretty and easy Guitar tabs?

What are some songs for guitar that are meant to be more picking than strumming? Like "Falling Slowly" by Glen Hansard, or "Untouchable" and "Never Grow Up" by Taylor Swift. I even learned the picking part for "I See the Light" from Tangled! I just like the way picking sounds. Any suggestions? I'm not SUPER advanced but I can learn easily :)

By smelling a perfume on somebody's cloth on road, how can you know what is its brand name or its ingredients?

Sometimes, while I am walking down the roads, I smell this lovely fragrance coming from somebody's dress. But due to street-protocol, I have never asked them that what was the brand they use. I searched in the perfume shops, but so many perfumes are there stacked together, that you cannot distinguish one fragrance from the other. Besides, they will not spray on you every individual brands as a sample. Because, if every customer wants sample, then all their perfume bottles will have gone evaporated within weeks. So, it is also not possible to smell every individual perfume bottle. And it is also not possible to buy every costly perfumes one by one, because it will take much time for these bottles to be empty, before I can buy the next brands. So, what should be done? Should I ask the person on the road directly that what's the brand? Will it be fair?

High pulse rate, low body temperature?

Yes you were in danger! Anybody can tell you that, just the fact that it freaked you out should be enough. You could have overdosed or you smoked so much that your body couldn't handle it. Also, if you've been smoking pot for a while it must have done some serious damage to your nervous system.

1999 Vortec V6 with vibration issues?

I have a 4.3L v6 from a 1999 GMC in my Toyota pickup. I slipped into a deep spot in crossing a stream and the engine hydro locked. I emptied the cylinders of water and started the engine a day later. It fired up and as it settles close to at 400-500 rpms, the engine shakes very badly. Not a simple vibration these engines are known for, but enough to shake the whole truck. Give it gas to about 600-700 rpms and the vibration is gone. Anything above that and the engine runs fine. Any ideas on what might have been damaged? I know engines are usually severely damaged by hydro locking, but I'm curious since this engine will start and run fine so long as it isn't left to idle so low.

What do you think of this kiss scene?

It is great so far but I think you need to flesh it out a bit more....still worth pursuing and Well done...makes you think.....

Is it normal to feel empty while pregnant?

Im late by a few days i checked days and it adds up that i could be pregnant. I woke up feeling empty. Last time i felt like that was when i miscarried 2 years ago. Im just worried i had a missed miscarriage. Please someone set my mind at ease. Thank you

Friday, August 5, 2011

What do you think of my favourite names?

I like Judson Riley the most because its uncommon and older. For the girls I would take Caroline and pair it with Brielle. Caroline Brielle sounds so beautiful.

Has it finally been proven? Luongo the biggest choker goalie in the league?

It has. all games in Boston, Luey gave up 14-1 goals (not including Schneider's 2 letup) Timmy had barely lost the games in vancouver all by just one goal. Luey has a history of choking and this proves it. He can't play without his fans being behins him.

My green spotted puffers are fighting?

you should get rid of every single green spotted puffer in your possession, both tanks and bowls ... one green spotted puffer needs 30 gallons so you don't even have the right size tank for one ... and the fact that you are ready to kill a fish for convenience is somewhat offensive to people who actually care about fish ... re-home those green spotted puffers and get yourself a cat ... a green spotted puffer in a bowl, i think i have heard it all now ...

I'm weaving a tangled web here with boys.. A little help?

Alrighty, I have been dating this guy for a while but he gets depressed all the time, I love him I do but it's depressing me, and it feels like were falling apart. Now where it gets crazy: I like Nick like crazy mostly because he's hot and I wanna get into his band. Ik it's wrong. There's also a man whore who keeps flirting with me.. Eh I guess he's irrelivant. Then there's jimmy who is totally attractive and nice, but he has a girlfriend. There's also my soon to be step dads son that I believe likes me and I kinda like him too he doesn't know I have a boyfriend though I think.. It's all weird. I don't wanna be selfish though but I think Im being selfish..

Why couldn't Little Timmy Pawlenty muster the courage to repeat his Obamneycare attack to Romney's face?

Republican publicly pointing out the shortcomings of other Republicans? Yeah like that would happen. They prefer to do it in secret, spreading nasty rumors.

What do you think of these names/sibsets?

i really like most of the names! especially Anna, Lili, Sophie, Thomas, Marco, and Xavier! and they names as a whole fit very well together and very well picked :)

Disturbing images in my head, am I alone?

Yes i do have depression, but all that aside I keep seeing these images, images of myself being killed. In the worst ways. My dead bloody body filled with insects, a rusty blade thru my empty eye sockets. And far far worse. My life is actually really good right now, but I still see these images in my head, everywhere I look I see a nasty image of myself dead and horribly impaled and distorted in some way. Does this happen with anyone else? I am seeing someone and she can't put her finger on it. If anyone else is going through this let me know. Also please do not judge, this is a SERIOUS problem and I just want it to go away. Thanks for your time.

Why did my question get deleted?

My question was "timmy?! timmy timmy timmmmmmmay!" like from south park where the only word timmy can say is timmy.

Did the PS3 erased my flashdrives memory?

I put my flash drive into the ps3 (slim) to put some music on. Then I took it out to modify the way the PS3 recognizes the music files on my PC, but when I put them on my PC, ALL my files were gone. It says that the file is empty, but it still shows that I have used space on the flash drive. I have windows 7, my flash was fine the whole day and I did take it out properly before putting it onto my PS3. Is there a way to get my files back or a reason why this happened. My PS3 is fairly new as well, I got it just the other day!

Help me regarding permanent hair extension?

they are really good. i have them, some do get tangled but in the long term you dont get half as much damage as you do with clue a weave, they are better for keeping your hair in good condition, they are just that bit more visable. good luck :)

How to get sweaty hair?

i work out, alot and sweat very much, i am a male with longer than average hair (my bangs reach the tip of my nose) and whenever i work out i notice afterwards my hair looks a little more "Tame" after all the sweat, it looks less "fluffy" or "poofy" than normal and it looks shinier, it almost looks like flynn rider's hair from Tangled, does anyone know how to duplicate this effect (preferably without having to use something sticky, i live in a windy city and dont want flakey hair)

Thinking of applying at Tim Hortons?

Yes I work at Tim's right now. I need to know more information. I am 18 and I just got the job for spending money. If that's the case with you then I don't recommend it. If you need the money then I think you should take what you can get. Some days it is really busy and if you know that your Tim's is under-staffed then I highly recommend that you NOT work there. Mine is under-staffed and it's crazy. You literally do the work of 2-3 people. It's not a tough job by any means but it can be stressful depending on how busy it is/who you are working with. It's not so bad if you have at least one friend who works there. I am leaving in a few days and I cannot wait. Best of luck.

I cut all of my tangled hair off, will it grow fast?

I've been reading so many articles from hair gurus that if you have long, tangled, dry hair, you should cut it all off. It supposedly makes your hair grow back faster. She cut like 3-4" off of my hair. Will it grow back out quickly?

Why does my hair tangle easily?

I have thin, fine, straight hair (with a little curl at the ends) a few inches past my shoulders and at school it seems I need to brush it again after every class! I don't brush it THAT much but I do brush maybe five times a day and I know that can be bad for hair. So how does it do that? I'm basically just sitting at a desk for 50 minutes and then all of a sudden it's a little tangly and it's just not neat and smooth. So do you know why? And how can I get neat and smooth hair like most other people? I don't use a lot of products because I want to keep my hair healthy.

How many South Park characters are there on Yahoo Answers?

I've seen Chef, Timmy, Stan, Kyle, Cartman, Kenny, and Wendy. It seems like the South Park characters really like Yahoo Answers.

Dual boot windows 7 and server 2008?

I have a laptop that has windows 7 home prem installed on it. I have a single hard drive with 2 logical partitions c and d. I have windows 7 on c.And d is empty for data. I want to install server 2008 on data d patition. How can I do it? Can I use the boot to vhd for installing server 2008 on data d:here or, does having windows 7 home premium is problem here? because win 7 home pre does not support virtualization.What are my options? If i have just option of making it dual boot the old way,will it work? Has anyone please tried it first installed windows 7 and want to dual boot it installing server 2008

Help Me Hair Problem?? Rough When Hair Is Wet & Tangle Feels Dry?

Okay So.. My Hair Was Long & Thin & I Started Dying It Under Black for 2 year every 3-6 months Straighten It One A Week I'm naturally Blonde & Have Thick Hair But The Last Time I Dyed It the Lady Left the Dye On Too Long.. I Got A Mild Chemical Burn Went Too The Doctors & He Checked Out My Hair & Scalp He Said My Hair Wouldn't Fall Out.. But Around Summer Time I Would Be Shedding.. & I Shed Like Crazy.. Like I Dunno If It is Normal .Shedding Started In May & Is Still Going On. But My Stylist Said My Hair Was Perfectly Fine & She Layered It But Cut It All Ugly. Then I Went Too Get It Just Get It One Length its some what pasted my shoulders.. but when i straighten My Hair It Is Rough & Hard Too Straighten It.. So I Stopped Straighten It...But When I'm In The Shower My Hair Gets Rough Tangle & Feels Extremely Dry.. I Dunno If It The Water Or What I Stopped Dying My Hair 5 Months Ago. I Still Have A Little Black In It.. But Not A lot..Don't Straighten it... ! I've Been Too Doctors Hair Salon Asking If There Is Anything Wrong With My Hair They Look At Me Stupid Like Your Fine. But I Can Run My Fingers Threw It Some times i cant It Is Mostly Always Tangled & Feels Rough.

Whats yer favorite goal scored by a timmy for THE RANGERS?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Bmw 316ti overheating?

put a new thremostat back in. did you back flush system (radiator and engine and heater) top get rid of the scale and hard water that is usually caked on? if not drain the system by switching the heater to hot and recurculate then drain all the water and jam the hose in the top and block off out lets till clear water shows then reconnect everything with a new thermostat and gaskets. dont forget anti freeze.

Hi my name is timmy nd i m here ilegall how can i become legall here?

i dont wana leave australia i came here in 2007 nd i done my certificate 3 in beakry bt after sme time i lose every thing my job my study i was too sick i cant go anywhere and i cancaled my visa nw i m ilegal here frm last 2 year i m overstay here from last 2 year i like to stay here plz tell me any way to stay here i will do that i want my visa back any type of visa plz tell me any way if i leave this country i gona die plz tell me any way?

That 70's Show Timmy is playing the piano?

In the Episode "Burning Down the House" of That 70's Show, Eric is laying on a piano and signing "Hey Hey Donna. I want to marry you..." The piano is being played by Timmy. Does anyone know what that piano piece is from? It sounds familiar.

Mancin article about contract?

a href=",,12306~2385642,00.html" rel="nofollow"…/a he said this about Italy "In Italy, the stadiums are empty and this makes me very sad." i'm still laughing cause i can imagine him saying that

What do you think about people having "natural abilities"?

If you understand the all inclusive purpose for posing this question, then you'll be just fine. Don't except anything without being certain of it.

Are these good underwear for a 7th grader boy? Witch one?

My boyfriend wear underwear like that. Not me! I don't care for it but he do. It does be tight on him though and i love men in tight underwear where everything is showing and bulging out. I wear all kinds of underwear in all styles. You like them? Wear them and enjoy! They cool...just not for me!

Best Power Forward of all time?

I think it is Tim Duncan. 4 rings plus a lifetime average of around 20 points and 11 boards. You could consider Karl Malone, but Timmy D can't be beaten.

Best free video editing software for overlaying (cloning)?

I'd like to make videos "cloning" people, and I know that to do that you take the videos, overlay them, and crop out the empty side of one. What is the best FREE video editing software to do this?

Ex bf says he's engaged to get married?

ex bf is engaged to get married but yet I feel like his side order he can eat up when he wants 2 umm I told him that I wasn't going to call or come over anymore immediately he got all tangled up hugs and said KNOW I want you to call me sometimes and come over whats up with that? I can recall not calling him for 4 days in a row he was kinda upset about he keeps trying to make me jealous by telling me how beautiful the girl is saying things here and there the more he talks about this girl the more distant I become and the more I pull farther away I'm surely becoming more and more detached I just wonder why when simply we could be friends but sometimes they say let the old lover go and move on friendship I have know clue but he keeps insisting that we be friends like he does not want out friendship to go down hill I'm the type of chick that catches feelings quick and for me to get with ex who is getting married sounds wrong I'm loyal and it feels wrong plz answer

I'm 16 and my hair is falling apart!!?

I understand that we shed 100 strands of hair or a little more a day..but im loosing a lot more! like i ran my fingers through my ahir and a fairly good sized chunk came out and it wasn't tangled or not pregnant or on birth control..and I'm just wondering what could cause this. I workout every day and eat a healthy diet and so im just wondering what i can do to stop it..and the hair isn't broken the follicle is still attached..thanks for reading this and any help would be greatly appreciated!

What is the episode of fairly oddparents where the world splits in half for the two genders?

theres this episode i remember where timmy's mom and timmy's dad get separated into a male world and a female world, and i think there's a song about it in it. What's the episode called?

There are little black specks in my dog's fur. What is it?

I have a toy poodle and I just began noticing some black specks tangled in his fur. I don't think they're fleas since they don't move but I don't think they're flea dirt either since it doesn't turn red in contact with water. Does it immediately turn red in contact with water? So what is it? Could it just be dirt? I've gotten rid of most of it, but there is still some left occasionally. If it is fleas/flea dirt, how can I get rid of it? Thank you.

Does he like me... or not?

This guy named Timmy lives down the road from me. He ride my bus, sits right next to me in English class. He always jokes with me. One time he even played some sort of peek-a-boo with with. every time he looked at me i looked at him then he looked away. He talks to me at least three times a day. He smiles at me when he see me sometimes. But the problem is... he has a girlfriend. Who is some what my friend. He sends me all of these mixed signals. It's like he wants me to be confused. I really like him. I've known him for a long time now considering he lives down the road from me. I think i'm in love with him... help:(

Outdoor kitten vs. indoor kitten?

A stray cat had five kittens in our garage five weeks ago. We are finding homes for the mother cat and four of the kittens but we are keeping one. However, my mom insists that it must be an outdoor cat. She says that if it is indoor, it will scratch the furniture, make messes, and tangle with the dog. This may be true, but if it is outdoor I am worried it may not be able to fend well because we have a road nearby and also wild animals roaming around in our nearby forest, not to mention the freezing winters. We've had an outdoor cat before, but she was fully grown and she didn't like it inside so there wasn't any problem. But since this is a kitten, I asked if we could compromise and have the kitten as an indoor/outdoor cat, but my mother's argument here was that it would bring in fleas. Also she says the dander from the cat would affect guests with allergies and she doesn't want this. How can these problems be efficiently solved? If you have an indoor/outdoor cat, what kinds of problems have you run into and how have you dealt with them? Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Is Tim Pawlenty serious , or just another say anything politician?

He claims if you can " google " it then the government is not needed as it is connected via google . I can google " toxic waste " . Tell me Timmy , where can I dispose of the material ?

Tangled the movie Question!!!?

First of all your crazy. I think you need help. Do you have problems at home? Like your like 17 or 18 and your asking a question about TANGLED? And you read Maximun Ride? What are you like a mistical animal? Like W.T.F?

How to get someone uninvited invited!! BUt....?

Okay, My friend Timmy is throwing a party for our other friend Henry. I've been liking this guy, Sam, for a bit but i haven't told anyone AND I DON'T PLAN TO! Henry's friendly with him espessially since the people invited to the party are good friends with Sam. But Timmy didn't invite Sam and I don't know if he forgot to or thought henry wasn't good friends with him or what! Anyway how can i get Sam invited w/o being obvious of my crush. (SAM NOR TIMMY KNOW ABOUT THIS! AND NEITHER DOES HENRY SINCE IT'S HIS SURPRISE PARTY)

What do you think of people having "natural abilites"?

I believe that people are good at certain things because they have practiced and might have an interest in it. Genetics do play a role in what you're capable of doing, but I don't think they have anything to do with a person actually being good at doing something. Most people are good at doing certain things because they either have prior knowledge or because they just have a better understanding than others and are able to do well, even though they've never actually done that kind of thing before.

Do you think this is a good opening to a book?

I think its good :) I"m no english major so I won't be able to criticize, but I was really into it and wanted to read more when I got finished. Keep writing, I think you've got something good going on!

What do you think of these names?

I like them all, especialy Timmy, my daddy's name:) and Christine, my name. I dont like my name for me, but its nice for other people

Gas leak, 1996 dodge neon?

1996 Dodge Neon. steady gas leak, basically emptying most of the tank in a few hours. The car wasn't used for about a year. We put about 5 gallons in an empty tank, and before I finished cleaning the windshield with the squeegee I noticed significant leaking around the center of the car. possibly closer to the back. Previous owners were doing minor work to the car. I'm wondering if they installed something incorrectly?? Could it be something as easy as a fuel filter?? *hoping* I just want to know some of the possible causes of this, and how difficult it might be to repair.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Guinea pig paralysis very urgent?

i was going to say the same as peggy. gp cant make their own so you HAVE to give them frsh fruits and vegies like carrots orange collard ect. but some things are toxic so reseach it could it be head tilt?

What do you think of this sibset?

I think you are pretty good at this naming thing! I like all of them individually and they match really well

How to throw away unwanted deodorant and perfume?

i have a few deodorants and perfumes thats not completely empty but i dont want them anymore. im scared if i just throw them itll just explode in the garbage truck

HELP please anyone? We have baby fish and not sure what to feed them on...?

this may sound stupid but our shibumpkin (sorry about spelling) was making loads of eggs. We put them in a seperate tank and after 6 days they'd just gone fungusy. So we took the plants out and washed the eggs off to put back in the big tank with all the fish. We went to empty the water and put the tank to one side and we noticed about 30 to 40 baby fish but they were sucking the side of the tank... Like our loaches do in the tank with the shibumpkin. I did rescue a few clumps off stringy stuff but we think in the end they were just poo. Question is is have we managed to cross breed a shibumpkin and loach? Just it seems strange our shibumpkin was making eggs and now this has happened. If so what do we feed them on? Or are they just baby loaches in which case how do we sort out a filter? The filter that we have to fit the tank would be too powerful but the new size down we have which we used to use just for the snails sucks stuff in. (the snails were big enough not to be sucked in) Thanks loads in advance.

My fish's tail is damaged and it always floats to the top...?

Earlier this week, my sister's coworker moved and didn't want to take her 20 gallon fish tank with her, so I took it. There is an angelfish in there whose fins got tattered in the move, but it seems comfortable enough. The tank was pretty empty, so I moved my 7 danios into it. After a few days, the fish seem to be getting along just fine, but I've just noticed that one of the danio's tails is damaged, and it seems to involuntarily float upwards. It also tends to drift, still involuntarily, towards the filter, at which point it gets scared and rushes away to the bottom, and the cycle repeats. Eventually, it finds its way to the far corner and just sits there until something spooks it. A few things worry me- why is it floating? What can I do about it? I've put a small mesh thing in for raising fries that I got when one of the danios laid eggs (none of the males were mature enough to fertilize them, though) that it could swim into, but I didn't want to force it to stay in such a small space. I've also added lots of plants for cover, but it keeps floating, so it can't hide in them. Perhaps more importantly, why did this happen? Did its tail get torn because of the move? It isn't the smallest of the danios and it is only slightly smaller than the fish that were in the tank before. The angelfish is still only about three inches long. I thought it would be safe, but maybe it isn't? Should I move the danios back to their 10 gallon tank?

Paypal question quick?

Didn't even know that was possible... rest assured, PayPal won't allow a payment to go through its system until the credit card goes through.

Teen Gay Guys & Timmy: What would you do?

If You had a good friend who wasn't out and you were totally flaming yet, You totally fell for him but all he does is go on and on about his crush on the school jock and you became friends after you confronted him after he skipped art glass because you were paired up and he was paranoid people would find out he's gay. He's kinda nerdy, with braces and glasses and swims on the swim team.

Who are the "governing authority" mentioned in the Bible?

It means ALL authorities: The government, the church, your parents, teachers, etc. Christ tells us to respect and obey all whose interest is peace and order.

Question about my new pet rat (Fancy Rat)? Need answers ASAP?

sounds like he just needs time. Give him a week or so of minimal handling. He should come around. they are very good pets. But very important is to get him a hanging water bottle.They cant really drink out of bowls or dishes and will just make a mess of it.

Why do my toes lock up?

Like sometimes when i put my foot in a certain position it locks and it hurts alot and i cant even separate some toes that are tangled in eachother . they won't move.

What baby name do you like?

chad and charlie,but i hate the names charles and liam and graham the most, do you WANT this child to get made fun of? :/

What's the name of the movie where...?

Okay. When I was little I saw a commercial on a disney movie (or was it Timmy the Tooth?) about a white tiger. It was a girl tiger and she was in a jungle and it was an animated film. I always wanted to watch it, but I never did. Now I want to know what it's called so I can watch it. I think her name started with a K? I can't remember. I've looked all over google but I keep getting references to a martial arts movie. Please help!

Do you ever feel that others are enjoying an emotionally fulfilling life and yet...?

...and yet when you come out of your shell and try to get close to others---the interaction seems empty and void?

Would this be possible? I own a modular home. I believe it came in two peices.?

It was placed on a concrete foundation on a basement. I want to move. Can I find a lot, purchase the lot and have my home physically moved onto the new lot? I, of course would need to have a new foundation built for the house. How would I do this? I live in Poconos, Pa. Lots of empty lots being foreclosed on for taxes, can pick up a lot cheap, then would only need to pay for costs to move my house, and have foundation built.

Is this dangerous or not?

yes you can eat. I take ibuprophen all the time(i have a sciatica problem). If you tend to get nauseated when you take pills you should at least take them with something like milk. If you're like me(ibuprophen doesn't make my stomach sick) then don't worry, just don't take more than is recommended. good luck!!

How do you set the "me" picture when texting using the LG cosmo touch?

i have an LG cosmo touch and i LOVE it . but when i go to the texting menu under someone's name who i recently text their photo ID shows up . And where i have replied to their message, an empty photo space pops up thats labled "ME" how do i change that to a picture of me . ?

Why do the subtitles keep coming back after I keep selecting no subtitles on our Tangled DVD?

You press off then play/resume. If it doesn't work beyond that then you might have a defective disc.

Everybody forgetting KG in prime?

This guy was neck and neck with Timmy being the best PF.he was a defensed monster .Man o man the early 2000s was the best

Has any movie lover seen the movie Art Pupil (late 90's) that was based on a book by Steven King?

Ok, Quick but possibly a strange question. I just watched Art Pupil with my hubby. At one point the older german man (served under Hitler in the war)found a stray cat. As I am a cat lover and had a bad feeling he would harm the cat I left the room for a few minutes to get a snack. Now my hubby told me the cat just clawed the german man and got away. Is this true? I questioned what he shared as later in the movie the viewer is shown flyers taped up by the owner of the cat. Owner is seeking to find her cat TIMMY. Thanks for the truth.

What`s your opinion about fairly oddparents cartoon?

i think its episodes have not any connection with together...for example in an episode has been said that the reason of vicky`s evilness is an bad bug and in another episode the born of tootie...or in an episode timmy and vicky are friends and in next episode they are enemies again with no good with these dichotomies we can`t understand what cartoon want to say...why don`t timmy and vicky be friends for ever?

My boyfriend broke up with me. I want to die.? im here if you need someone to talk to Ive been through a pretty similar situation

On Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D, I have problems with the slingshot.?

In the Deku Tree part, after you fall into the long pit, there's a place with another one of those things that shoot nuts that explode. There's a door and above it is a thing I'm supposed to shoot with a slingshot, but the slingshot is empty so I cannot pass. How do I get through?

My hair tangles or knots at the ends when I blow dry it. How can I stop this?

While you blow dry, brush your hair at the same time. Of course hair will come out, but not a lot. just a little, and anyways, you have no idea how much hair falls off your head in every passing day.. lol :D

Ten-tailed beast vs. Goku?

Please only answer if you've read/seen both Naruto and Dragonball. The ten tailed beast (juubi), the embodiment of all tailed beasts, versus Goku, who would win? Here are the rules: We are talking about adult Goku, who can transform into Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2, and Super Saiyan 3. Goku cannot use kaio-ken, or Instant Transmission. Assuming that Ten-tails has the abilities of all tailed beasts, Ten-tails can control wind, make fireballs, use many water based attacks, mix earth and fire attacks, destroy mountains, and release chakra blasts. The battlefield is an empty planet, meaning Goku can go all-out without having to worry. So, who would win? (I will pick a best answe and give 10 pts to someone).

What is your favorite new kids movie that has come out in the last year?

Favorite new kids movies would be Tangled and Gnomeo & Juliet. They were SO good... very funny. Least favorite kids movie would be "Meet the Robinsons" It was a Disney Pixar movie I think but I thought it was lame... I normally LOVE those movies. Favorite childhood movies would be Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Jungle Book, An American Tail and The Land Before Time. Sweet!

What do you think of this writing?

i love your style! It has a very gripping plot. There are a couple of grammar errors, but other than that it is really good.

Whos better mexico or mexico?

Yesterday Mexico beat USA because they were the better team there is nothing embarrassing about it. (we do not have enough American soccer fans to call this our back yard anyways) Mexico could have had a bad day and lost just as easily as they won yesterday. Also i don not see how we suck big time when we put up two early goals against Mexico, no easy feat in any game. We were just too busy worrying about Chicharito to remember that Mexico has quite a bit of other good players that can score.

Strange Hallway Incident at School. Why Did These Guys Do This? 10PTS?

I'm a girl, 21, taking summer courses at my university atm. Last week, after classes were finished, I was walking through a hallway (on my way home) when a group of tall guys (maybe 4-5) were walking in the opposite direction towards me. They looked me over as I past them and then one of them suddenly grabs my arm and says "hey, you remember me, don't you?" These were all strangers so I was really frightened and said "no" (obviously). The other guys were saying things too but I just remember freeing my arm and walking away really fast away from them. I still heard their voices close by shouting at me for a bit and actually feared they were following me. But I didn't want to run and cause a scene since the hall was not empty. Luckily, they didn't follow me but honestly, I've never been so afraid in public in my life, like just the fact that that happened in a hallway with other ppl makes me really uneasy. Am I over-reacting? What should I have done? Or, what should I do if a similar situation occurs in the future?? much thanx.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Urgent situation please help :(?

my mom has been suffering and is in great pain since 3 am it's 5:30am....she took a voltaren before she slept on an empty stomach...she vomitted twice after 4:00am...and she's still in great pain....her face is really pale...and the pain is on the left side of her stomach....what is wrong with her? my sister just took her to the hospital but i need to know now :(

Question about USA national team?

Does anyone know what has happened to Timmy Chandler and why Bradley left him off the roster? Dont tell me something lame like "because he sucks", because the kid is talented and I was wondering if he was injured. Also I am not very impressed with the gold cup Gomez or Buddle do you think Bradley is going to blow it again?

What would you do if u met a talking fox?

What would you do if u met a talking fox who always loved doing pranks on his friends. So u met him at a park. You played with him and he said ur my new best friend. Come to my hideout spot known as my house make sure u have a empty stomach. So for dinner he made a soup that was very tasty. But it was on a flat bowl sooo flat only a fox could go down and lick the soup off the bowl. And you couldn't because u was too tall and you noticed he did a prank on you. What would you do? How will you claim your revenge?

What kind of fishing spinning reel should i get?

Should i get the Wavespin DH 3000,Wavespin DH 4000, or Wavespin DH 5000 .I fish for mainly bass, and trout. I use line from 6lb-10lb. I want a reel that casts far and is smooth,and tangle free.

On the path to self destuction?

I've had a few drinks so far. I have an emotionally unavailable fa'ther and mother. I'm 19 and live with my boyfriend who loves me but i don't think i love him anymore cuz of all the **** we've been through.I've been depressed for a year and i feel empty inside. I'm frustrated because the only thing that can make me feel is pills and alcohol which i hate the taste and pills i can't afford them. I only like to drink when i'm alone which isn't good. I feel like i've dug myself so far down i can't get myself up and the only people who know i;m depressed is my boyfriend and my mom and my mom is just like me. She takes pils to feel happy and I only resent my boyfriend cuz of a lot of ****.. I need some kind of guidance. I'm so lost and have noone to talk to. Help??? I fear i'm gonna be like my father and be controlling and emotionally unavailable all my life.

Poem about a storm--or is it?

It is interesting. I dont understand what might be an underlying message, but there are segments of it where I can almost see it isn't about a storm, as in rain.

Turtles suitable for a 50 gallon tank?

I have a fifty gallon tank that has empty for a few years. Recently my mother has been talking about getting more turtles.( I currently have a male Malayan box turtle that is mostly aquatic.) We're looking for a turtle or two that can live happily in a 50 gallon, whether they're aquatic or land turtles. Thanks.

Will my hamster be harmed?

my hamster is on a high table in my play room and i found 2 earwigs i found them in this bin were i keep all her stuff her treats were sealed in there bags and her food was in a airtight container and nether were harmed(i empty them out and checked) but i have heard from other peoples questions that they can eat my hamster alive and lay eggs on her. is this true?will she be harmed?and how can i get rid of them? they do freak me out so nothing were i have to touch them please thanks for all your help

Is this being a bad friend?

Ok I tell my friend Erica what's on my mind and I told her when cyndel was mad at Timmy I still liked him. What she did was tell cyndel and cyndel was going to tell Timmy. She is being a b**** to me

Kindle account question?

i got a kindle on wednesday and i''ve subscribed to a blog that's turned out to be crap and i want to un-subscribe. I've gone to my account on amazon to unsubsribe but have found it empty. its not even registered the books i've brought already. How do I update my amazon account so it lists al the content so I can unsubscribe before the free 14 day trial is up.

AMC: Did JANET Kidnap ERICA ...?

I don't think Janet from another planet is that smart to figure out all the electronics's such as the camera and the distorted voice thingamajig.....we know now it is not Krystal the woman's hand they showed the other day had her nails painted they showed Krystal waiting the table when Jack was sitting there and her nails were not polished....I would say Barbara is a good guess.

Heater core leaking. My fault?

Heater cores can rot without warning. The choice will be to cork the hoses that route to the core or replace it.

I forgot the name of a movie were a couple claim a boy is thier son timmy?

they keep calling him timmy and trying to get him to remember. the lady comes of as abusive while the husband is a bit more sensitive the boy looks like he is injured or handy cap and apears to be maybe in his late teens. if you know the name of the movie can you pleas help me out with subjestions?

I'm stuck on Spongebob's Big Adventure.Help?

When you're trying to find Patrick's materials to go Jellyfishing,you need an empty glass.I did all the jobs I had.I need "10 dollars" meanwhile I only raised "6 dollars".How to I get the

How to give the best hand job?

So, I want to give my boyfriend a hand job he'll never forget. So, tips? Go! And also we'll be in a movie theater. No worries ever time we go it's practically empty. And we'll use a jacket to cover him up. So, begin with the advice!

I just adopted a puppy! what?

Get a few toys, have a lot of time on your hands, they can be some work, and food, food bowl, water bowl, doggy bed, or share your bed(: , and treats, a collar and a leash . And you should give him his shots. And you might wanna get a dog tag, encase he gets lost. You should be pretttyy much set! Best answer pleasee!

Is their something wrong with my testicles?

Like looking down if i feel my scrotum the left testicle tubes feel kind of tangled and i can barely feel the tube on my right testicle. My left one hurts from time to time, its not an unbearable pain but it feels like i sat on it or something. I am 15 by the way. I have had a physical recently but they didn't ask me to drop my pants so that didn't get examined. Is their something wrong with me??? I am kind of freaking out. All answers appreciated, thanks for them.

If I were the Canucks....I'd star looking into a new goalie. agree?

Theres no doubt. Luongo is a great goalie..but when it comes to playing under pressure. He stinks/sucks. Period. We all saw how Timmy played out there in Game 7. I think its time Vancouver realizes WHY the Islanders may have gaven up their first round 4th overall drafted goalie...maybe I'm being a bit harsh there...afterall it was his first season, so alright. I think Schneider may have been better starting in game 7. Afterall he did make some sexy saves from what I saw letting in just one goal. A 12 year contract with the Canucks for Luey though? Eh. Idk. If you were or are a canucks fan/ part of the team...which goalie out of all the NHL league would you trade Loungo for? (Just not my Fluery).